The “In Focus” series is a monthly feature that puts the spotlight on some of the 419th Fighter Wing’s best and brightest Reserve Citizen Airmen. Find it on Instagram @419fw
Senior Airman Alexander Willis says he loves two things: explosions and airplanes.
Before joining the 67th Aerial Port Squadron as an air transportation specialist, Willis enlisted in the U.S. Army as explosive ordnance disposal before separating due to illness during basic training. Even with this obstacle, he did not give up his goal of serving in the military.
“I wanted to do something that wasn’t just for me,” Willis said. “I wanted to work in an organization that reaches worldwide.”
Willis, 27, joined the 419th Fighter Wing after the eight-year break from his initial separation from the Army.
“I love working here,” he said. “The people are great and I get to work with airplanes that can take anything, at any time, to anywhere.”
Currently attending Utah Valley University for aviation management, he is almost finished with his commercial pilot license and one step closer to his dream of being a pilot with a large airline after his Air Force service.
But for now, he said he enjoys what he does in the 419th FW and looks forward to working with more aircraft.