419th Fighter Wing family:
Year after year, we come together to gather around the table with our families and friends to celebrate and offer gratitude. This year, as COVID-19 cases continue to rise, and family gatherings will be much smaller for some, I think it’s especially important that we step back and take stock of the many things for which we are thankful.
This past year has certainly been full of challenges and I don’t think any of us could’ve anticipated what 2020 would hold.
More than ever, I need to ask that you take care of yourselves and each other. I hope you can all take some extra time to recharge your batteries and reconnect with those you love this week, even if it’s from a distance. We’re lucky to live in a time when technology can bring loved ones from far away within reach via a video call. Also, as the holiday season can be difficult for many, I hope you won’t hesitate to pick up that phone if you’re struggling. Connection is more important this year than ever.
I’m exceedingly grateful for each of you – your service, dedication to each other, and your commitment to our great nation. I’m so incredibly humbled to serve as your commander and I can’t begin to tell you what you and your families mean to me.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!