HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah — The Air Force Reserve 419th Fighter Wing and active duty 388th Fighter Wing hosted Rep. Blake Moore Feb. 16 during a comprehensive tour of Hill that highlighted the base’s wide-ranging missions.
Moore was recently elected to represent Utah’s first district and serves on the House Armed Services Committee and the Committee on Natural Resources. Before being elected to Congress, Moore worked for small businesses and as a U.S. foreign service officer for the Department of State.
To better understand the fighter wings, the congressman met with F-35A Lightning II pilots and maintainers, and was given an overview of the F-35 mission via walk-throughs of the airplane hangars and fighter squadrons.
The 388th FW and 419th FW are the Air Force's first combat-capable F-35A units. They fly and maintain a fleet of 78 jets in a Total Force partnership, which capitalizes on the strength of both the active duty and Reserve.