OSHKOSH, Wis. -- On a night full of soaring achievements and sky-high excitement, college aviation students from across the country “dressed to impress” as they anxiously waited in anticipation their name would be called during the National Intercollegiate Flying association SAFECON awards ceremony at Oshkosh, Wis. May 13.
NIFA’s SAFECON brings the top three collegiate aviation teams from 10 regions across the United States to compete head-to-head in more than a dozen technical events, which culminates with top honors given within various categories during the post-event, evening awards banquet.
This year, the Air Force Reserve took part in sponsoring the NIFA Achievement Awards, which recognizes an individual’s academic excellence, community service, and aviation involvement.
Five awards were presented by Major General Brian Radliff, commander of the 10th Air Force, and came with a Certificate of Achievement as well as a monetary award ranging from $750 - $2500. Congratulations to those who won this year’s award.
1st Place – Claire Melton, United States Air Force Academy
2nd Place – Dana Friend, Oklahoma State University, Air Force ROTC
3rd Place – Nicholas Klepinger, Minnesota State University – Mankato, Army ROTC
4th Place – Joseph Mucklestone, United States Air Force Academy
5th Place – Spencer Olson, Minnesota State University – Mankato