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  • Hill AFB Invites Reservists to Annual Salute Picnic

    The Top of Utah Military Affairs Committee invites all active duty, Guard and Reserve military and family members to join them for the Military Salute Picnic from 4-8 p.m. Aug. 5 at Centennial Park.This annual event, continually sponsored by TOUMAC, dates back to 2001 and was originally organized is

  • Hill fighter wings head to Red Flag 22-1 with F-35A

    HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah – Reserve pilots and maintainers from the 419th Fighter Wing will join their active-duty partners in the 388th Fighter Wing this week at Red Flag, the Air Force’s premier combat exercise that takes place at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada several times a year.The wings have

  • In Focus: Senior Airman Zachary Kafton

    HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah – Senior Airman Zachary Kafton, 419th Logistics Readiness Squadron, is a Utah native, born and raised in Clinton. He has an inspiring military heritage that sparked an interest from a young age.Kafton’s maternal grandfather served in the Navy and his paternal grandfather

  • Make holiday cheer happen all year through the CFC

    Be the face of change this holiday season by contributing to the Combined Federal Campaign.With the solicitation period just halfway through, the 2021 Combined Federal Campaign organizers said the annual fundraiser is off to a strong start, but they hope the holiday season will inspire more people

  • Air Force civic leaders visit Hill AFB

    Community leaders from across the U.S. participating in the Air and Space Force Civic Leader Program visited Hill Nov. 4-5 to see firsthand the missions supported by the Airmen and Guardians here.The stopover at Hill Air Force Base was the culmination of a visit to three installations that 36 of the

  • 419th firefighters test rescue skills in blazing jet

    HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah – Reserve firefighters from the 419th Civil Engineer Squadron participated in an aircraft live-fire burn here Sept. 12, 2021, entering into a blaze to rescue three unaccounted for passengers.“It’s extremely important to have training like this,” said Tech. Sgt. Jordan

  • 419th Maintenance Group welcomes new commander

    HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah -- The 419th Maintenance Group welcomed Col. Aaron Milner as he assumed command during a ceremony here Sept. 12, 2021.Milner joined the Air Force in 2000, serving as an active-duty maintenance officer before switching to the Reserve in 2008. Prior to joining the 419th,

  • COVID-19 update: Hill AFB moves to HPCON B+

    On Sept. 2, the installation transitioned to Health Protection Condition Bravo + (HPCON B+). Over the course of the last month, we’ve seen a climb in COVID cases on Hill AFB, community transmission risk, hospitalizations, and percentage of the positivity rate. In response, we transitioned from HPCON

  • Hill AFB hosting weapons evaluations over next two weeks

    HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah – Communities surrounding Hill Air Force Base may notice an increase in flying over the next two weeks as the Air Force conducts joint weapons system evaluations here.From Aug. 16-27, F-16s from Aviano Air Base, Italy, and F-35As from Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., will be

  • Video: New 419th FW command chief talks priorities

    HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah -- Chief Master Sgt. Heather Richins introduced herself and talked about her vision and priorities as the 419th Fighter Wing's new command chief.Watch the video on the 419th DVIDS page or YouTube channel.